A collaborative grassroots movement of communities demanding justice from companies profiting off energy at the expense of climate-impacted communities.

Investors shouldn't own your power. profit off your bills. control essential utilities. exploit climate-impacted communities. prioritize profits over resilience.

Utility justice and energy justice are directly connected to housing justice and stopping evictions-- sometimes inability to pay utility bills can be the reason that people are evicted from their homes.

Investor-Owned Utilities display extreme earnings, similar demographics, and have a vested interest in maintaining control over the electrical grid. These entities distribute ‌72% of the country’s electricity. Their monopoly has led to a faltering grid infrastructure, which leads to more frequent blackout events and increased costs for developing community solar farms, which are, themselves, capable of improving grid resiliency. Utility service to communities of color is often disproportionately lacking due to the marginalized location of many of these neighborhoods and their presence within areas that are more prone to natural disasters; this elevates the risk of these grid investments. When blackouts hit, like the PG&E shut-off in 2019’s fire-season that cut power for 800,000 homes, those that can’t afford backup generators and batteries are left in exceedingly dangerous situations. These types of events are unfortunately becoming more likely and will undoubtedly have unequal effects across the impacted areas.

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